Supply Chain Solutions for All Businesses Supply Chain Solutions are available to all businesses regardless of their size. What’s more approximately 50% of a business’s savings from a professional business review will generally come out of the business’s supply chain...
Change is Constant – Is Your Business Planning Keeping Pace? We are at the end of the first quarter of 2023 and a lot of North Island businesses have been impacted by severe weather-related issues including flooding and road closures. What does this mean for...
Being Agile – Think Outside the Box and Make the Most of the Situation Example During the recent Auckland floods Chris Hipkins, new Prime Minister and MP for Upper Hutt did just that. He seemed to turn up everywhere offering support, moving people’s stuff out of the...
Business Planning February is here and it has been a cloudy start to the year with a lot of North Island businesses being impacted with both flooding and road closures. February, however, is if you have not already started, time to start thinking about this year’s...
Well, not much has changed over the last 12 months. The biggest issues affecting businesses are still the same: Labour shortages compounded by increased pay rates and costs to both employ and retain staff. Increased costs – driven by a combination of capacity issues...
Learning to Live with what you can’t control – It’s all about being Agile It’s mid-May already and, just to survive, we’re having to learn to live with: Covid-19 in the community The Russia/Ukraine war Ongoing supply chain issues A cost-of-living crisis which includes...