Trans-Tasman Expansion
Are you either thinking of expanding across the Tasman or already operating across the ditch?
Are you looking for a Trans-Tasman best practice in Trans-Tasman markets? If yes, then here are some areas to consider as you expand your base of operations…
- Business Start-Ups including feasibility studies.
- Business Strategy including well controlled execution.
- Business Planning with clear outcomes and timelines
- Business Improvement opportunities
- Supply chain optimisation
- Mapping & optimising your business processes to replicate overseas.
- Deep customer & market analysis.
- Financial analysis, including costing models, to ensure a controlled cash flow during expansion.
Here’s a free tip: if you are thinking of expanding across the Tasman, please make sure that you have your systems, processes, and people in order before you make the expansion. If you don’t, you run the risk of sub optimal business systems on two fronts. It costs less and is less disruptive to optimise your business before expansion.
If you are interested in knowing more about Trans-Tasman Expansion, please contact me at or +64 21 625-871 or Peter Selby, Chief Executive Officer of Business Drivers at or +61 2 9893-1865.
For more information on creating or improving a business model please call John on (021) 625-871, and further more information please visit Into the Blue.