Learning to Live with what you can’t control – It’s all about being Agile
It’s mid-May already and, just to survive, we’re having to learn to live with:
- Covid-19 in the community
- The Russia/Ukraine war
- Ongoing supply chain issues
- A cost-of-living crisis which includes increased inflation and interest rates
- Labour shortages in all business sectors, covering employment areas across the board, from unskilled labourers through to highly skilled engineers and medical professionals.
As a Business Advisory service, Into the Blue NZ Limited is being increasingly called upon to help companies through this unprecedented crisis. In the current climate, it is crucial that Business Owners and Managers are enabled to make the decisions necessary to steer their operations safely through the upcoming months, so that they emerge successfully out the other side. Being Agile is the key, and Into the Blue offers the skillsets and advice to achieve just that.
The most topical support and advice we are currently providing includes:
- Business Reviews and Business Plans to work out better ways to run businesses in the current environment plus the creation of Action Plans to move the Business forward.
- Writing variable Costing Models to allow Business Owners and Managers to be able to easily update key cost drivers such as labour and fuel.
- Financial Review, Analysis and Planning to show how the business is currently operating (good or bad), to allow for the implementation of key drivers to better understand the business. This will also include the impact of a business downturn from both reduced production (staff shortages causing capacity issues) and a general decrease in demand. The cost of changing your market strategy, cost cutting, cashflow management, refinancing loans, staff redundancies, etc.
- Cashflow Management and Planning including refinancing loans at lower interest rate, interest rate holidays, the use of Government subsidies and tax deferments.
- Exit Strategies and Succession Plans including business valuations for those Business Owners who are looking to either retire, bring new blood into the Business, or just cash up.
- Acquisition of competitors or related businesses to acquire market share, diversity and additional workers.
- Start-Ups which include both existing and new Business Owners looking to do something new that better fits with the current environment.
Into the Blue is expert at providing agile solutions to Business Owners and Managers. Additionally, we also provide a 2-minute online Business Health Check with immediate feedback on how accurate your own perception of how your business is functioning actually is: https://intotheblue.co.nz/
If you would like either more information or to make an appointment, please call John on (021) 625-871 today.
Into the Blue NZ Limited – expert at thinking outside the box.
For more information on creating or improving a business model please call John on (021) 625-871, and further more information please visit Into the Blue.