Business & Advisory Services
Financial Management – Business Improvement – Business Reviews – Business Plans & Planning – Business Strategies
Capital Planning – Cashflow Management – Health & Safety/Wellness – HR – Process Improvement – Sales & Marketing
Change Management – Branding & Digital Enhancement – Pricing & Quoting – Procurement & Inventory Control
Business Mentoring / Coaching
Our usual method of gathering information for a fully blown business review, is based on an initial business diagnosis – normally 5-10 working days – which allows us to gather information to find your Critical Path. Then:
- We develop and deliver Strategic Action Plans tailored to your business needs.
- During the time of our engagement you have unlimited email and phone access to me.
- Project work will be completed based on meetings/interviews with the Business Owner and or relevant key personal.
Branding and Digital Enhancement
- Is your brand still relevant to your products, services, and customers?
- Design a brand that is up to date and relevant
- Ensure the market knows your full product / service offering
- Design and write an up-to-date website or provide a website developer with the requirements to complete this task
- Keep your website fresh and up to date including a blog page
- Creating or enhancing your digital footprint through the use of social media that is linked to your website
- Write blogs / newsletters that can be sent to customers via Mailchimp.
Business Improvement / Business Reviews
- Business Planning – to help plan to avoid the daily chaos of what job you should be doing next, through to longer term planning such as future capacity issues.
- Business Process Improvement – Improve or develop business processes that follow the critical path and eliminate waste & duplication (rework), improve business efficiency and reduce complexity.
- Financial Management – how to read Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet Statements. Reporting by business segment to better identify both segment mix changes and underperforming areas of the business. Develop key financial drivers. These will help to make more informed financial and management decisions.
- Business Systems – identify key business systems requirements and complete a needs analysis to ascertain whether the current systems are meeting your requirements.
- Business Sustainability – helping you to recognise what needs to be done to improve the business’s sustainability in the marketplace.
- Governance (working on the business) – developing better practices to enable you to have dedicated time to work on the business during working hours.
- Procurement – best practices including supplier reviews.
- Resource Management Planning – being prepared and knowing when you need to purchase, replace or release resources.
- Marketing strategy – know your competitive advantage, tailor your marketing to the market conditions and increase your value proposition from a client perspective.
- Customer Satisfaction – Ensure your customer are happy. Good communications are key. Annual customer surveys to get a better understanding of what your clients think of your business.
- Human Resource Planning – Are owner / management and employee cultures aligned? Understanding of Team dynamics. Plan resources to meet customer demand. The subcontractor / employee trade-off in times of skill shortages.
Business Mentoring / Coaching
Business Mentoring is not Business Advisory or Business Consulting. Business Mentoring is teaching Business Owners and Business Managers from personal experience on how to better manage and run their business.
Business Mentoring includes the following benefits:
- How to optimise your personal positioning and potentially make it a unique selling tool – your competitive advantage or competitive edge.
- Identifying a path to potential customers and converting that opportunity into actual clients.
- Optimising both your brand and digital presence.
- How to grow your own trusted network.
- How to systemize your marketing and sales activities with a growth operating system or spreadsheet.
- Ensuring your costing models are accurate and up to date.
- Building a quick win strategy including upselling, cross-selling, bundling, and down-selling.
- Reviewing your product / service range for both redundant and new offerings.
- Building your lead generation structure.
- Maximising your prices and stabilising revenue streams.
- Reviewing supplier agreements to ensure that you are receiving the best prices, quality and service.
- Reducing waste – duplication, rework and redundant services.
- Creating and managing your customer funnel and associated network.
- Identifying multiple revenue streams.
- Defining your approach to both vertical and target markets.
- Personal success planning and ongoing one on one support.
- Access to potential affiliate and membership portals with multiple business resources such as training books and podcasts.
Business Reviews / Zero Risk
Into The Blue NZ Limited’s point of difference is that it can rapidly identify and add fast-tracked profits to businesses.
Zero Risk Business Reviews
Owing to the unsettled economic environment and my confidence to add value, Into The Blue is offering zero risk Business Reviews to help Business Owners and Senior Managers increase their business’s profits.
This entails a no fees Business Review unless Into The Blue can find and identify profit initiatives to the value of at least the cost of the investment into the Business Review. After finding and identifying the profit initiatives to cover the cost of the investment in the business review payment is expected within 5 -working days. After payment, the full findings will be released to the Business Owner / Senior Manager.
The Business Review, depending on the size of the business, will usually take 5 to 10 working days.
Into The Blue has Track Record of Adding 300%+ ROI to every Business that it has helped.
Conditions of a Zero Risk Business Reviews
- It applies only to existing businesses – no start-ups.
- The Business Owner of Senior Manager must be the Decision Maker.
- During the Discovery Meeting Decision Maker must disclose:
- All known issues including past, present, and future as they will identify potential opportunities.
- Any profit improvement initiatives currently in place to avoid any potential disputes.
- Authority for Into The Blue to implement fast-tracked profit initiatives during the Business Review.
- Into The Blue accepts no responsibility for the Decision Maker not implementing any of the initiatives, however, Into The Blue can provide the resources to implement the initiatives if the reason for not carrying out the initiatives is a resource issue.
Business Plans & Business Planning
- Help business owners better understand their businesses
- Helps identify both the business’s competitive edge and competitive advantage from robust market analysis
- Provide robust forecasts which can be used to help raise capital for the purchase of new or replacement plant and other assets
- Set realistic and measurable targets including key ratios and benchmarking
- Provide capacity plans to prepare for potential growth and resourcing issues
- Creating immediate workarounds to solve immediate short-term issues
- Create medium-term plans for known up-coming issues
- Create long-term plans based on forecast capacity issues
- Develop employee incentive schemes based on business profit improvement
- Develop a business continuity plan for times of extreme need
Business Startups (Including WINZ)
- Develop a feasibility study to determine whether the business idea is practical and achievable.
- Develop a 5-year plan which can also be used to form the basis of a project plan and capital raising to obtain a banking facility and other investment requirements.
- Provide specific investor information requirements to raise capital.
- Establish financial management practices including how to setup and read Profit & Loss and Balance Sheets to help you manage the business.
- Business Planning – develop plans to avoid the daily chaos up to longer-term planning requirements.
- Business Processes – develop processes that follow the critical path to eliminate waste (rework) and reduce business efficiency
- Identify key business system requirements that will meet both current and future requirements.
- Governance (working on the Business) – developing practices to enable you to have dedicated time to work on the business.
- Procurement negotiations and supplier reviews.
- Marketing strategy – know your competitive advantage. Tailor your marketing to your target market and market conditions. Increase your value proposition from a client perspective.
- Customer Satisfaction – ensure clients are happy. Communications are key.
- Human Resource Planning – plan resources to meet demand, don’t over-staff. Know the timeline to employ and train new staff plus the subcontractor employee trade-off.
- Into The Blue NZ Limited is a Ministry of Social Development (MSD) registered supplier of consultancy services to Work and Income (WINZ), meaning that we are registered with WINZ to complete Start-Up Business Plans for eligible applicants wanting to create their own businesses.
- WINZ will ask potentially eligible applicants to complete a “Preparing for Self Employment” form. If eligible this will give the applicant access to three funds as summarised:
- Business Training and Advice Grant up to $5,000 to help develop a Business Plan. The money is paid directly to the Business Advisor / Consultant on completion of the Business Plan. A portion of the grant may also be used to help the applicant to complete the WINZ “Preparing for Self Employment” Form.
- Self-employment start up payment up to $10,000 to help pay for essential start-up costs.
- Flexi-wage for self-employment of up to $600 a week for up to 28 weeks to provide financial support and help with costs for viable businesses.
- For more information on WINZ Start-Up offerings please click here.
- Into The Blue NZ Limited will cap its fees at $5,000 + GST for helping with both the completion of the “Preparing for Self Employment” application and Business Plan. There will be no charge if the application is unsuccessful.
Business Strategy / Action Plans
- Identify the long game and establish a strategic plan
- Identifying the 1 or 2 critical issues to achieving your business’s required goal(s)
- Identifying points of difference to create new business strengths
- How to develop your competitive advantage
- Align business model to strategic plan
- Write Action Plan to meet strategic plan objectives which includes identifying and committing the required resources
- Take required actions as identified in the Action Plan
Capital Planning
- Develop a business / 5-year plan as this will give you a roadmap of potential resource requirements to meet your actual and forecast growth
- Review both capacity and capital requirements on a regular basis
- Business valuations
Cashflow Management
- Implement processes to ensure that the maximum amount of cash can be collected during a given period. These processes should include customer invoicing and procurement.
- Create clear management performance indicators and identify key business drivers
- A cash requirements plan including timings to ensure that either the required cash or facilities are in place when needed
Change Management
Change Management is not just about “Transformational Change” which is a medium to long-term solution, it is also about the short-term solution of being AGILE.
Being AGILE is the ability to ‘think on your feet’ in a swiftly changing economic environment in order to be able to weather and succeed in shifting circumstances. Into the Blue NZ Limited has been all over this concept since it was recognised as an essential tool in a business’ arsenal. It is not exactly a new concept, but the fragile and fluid economic times in which we find ourselves mean that BEING AGILE is an essential quality for NZ businesses to possess if they want to come out the other side of the current situation in good shape.
Call John Raffaelli now on 021 625 871 to learn more.
Exit Strategy / Succession Planning
- Identify the key strategies to make your business more attractive to potential purchasers (grooming)
- Establish a framework to allow all parties to achieve desired results
- Identify the exit alternatives including family succession, internal sale and external sale, and then identify the opportunities and the viability of each alternative
- Identify the exit issues
- Articulate defined exit strategy program
- Market Analysis including identifying potential business sale target markets
- Business Valuations
- Monitor progress
Financial Management
- Create clear management performance indicators and identify key business drivers
- Ensure there is integration between the financial systems and the day to day operation of the business
- Establish a monthly reporting function around financial targets aligned with the business objectives
- Establish monthly staff meetings either formal or informal to gain feedback on how the business is performing
- Establish procedures and systems to check for irregular payment
- Establishment of segmentation gross margin reporting to easily identify product/service mix and under-performing areas of the business.
Health & Safety
- Review current Health and Safety systems and policies to ensure they are aligned with relevant standards
- Establish and embed processes for regular review and assessment of Health and Safety issues.
- Develop a culture of personal responsibility with regards to Health & Safety
Health & Wellness
- Business Owners need to have an awareness of their employees’ state of health and mind.
- They need to have regular staff and one-on-one meetings with all employees. These meetings can be a combination of formal and informal chats.
- Business Owners should encourage staff to meet informally to help with any potential issues.
- If employees are working from home, Business Owners should help or encourage employees to set up of employee networks to both check and stay in communication with each over.
- Most importantly, Owners should also set up or join networks to ensure that they are able to cope with the stresses that they face in running their business. These stresses can also flow over into very personal issues.
- As a Business Advisor it is also one of our duties to stay in contact with business owners during times of business stress.
Human Resources Strategy
- Cultures and leadership practices – are they aligned?
- Is the Team aligned in its work practices and culture?
- Establish any HR requirements
- Align employment contracts towards both the strategic plan and business model
- Staff training and development to align with individual staff requirements
- Looking for new ways to find potential employees
One off Projects / Issue Solving
One-off client-initiated projects to solve specific client related issues such as:
- Rewriting / updating a one-sided supplier contract to make it a more two-sided contract.
- Feasibility studies on new, replacement and potentially redundant resources i.e. buy a new piece of plant, replace a truck, employ a new staff member, etc.
- Capacity planning.
- Feasibility study on moving into a new market segment.
- Conducting cost benefit analysis (feasibility studies) and writing cost benefit models to either support or disprove a potential business initiative.
- Business Valuations
Pricing & Quoting
- Developing full costing models for individual products and services
- Ensure quotes contain a breakdown of all components so that these can be used for future accurate quoting
- All costing models and quotes should include a waste percentage, employee oncosts and all known supplier price increases including those yet to be implemented
Process Improvement / Critical Path
- Analyse and identify efficient systems that link all parts of the business together
- Analyse all business / workflow processes for potential improvement
- Identify any missing processes and or systems for incorporation into the business
- Some larger clients, who are ISO Certified, will want to see your written processes as part of their due diligence in accepting you as a preferred supplier
- The elimination of duplication, inefficiency, and waste (rework)
- Improve or develop business processes that follow the critical path and so eliminate duplication and waste (rework) plus remove complexity to enable improved business efficiency.
- Ensure financial systems and reporting are aligned with the business and will easily identify both revenue mix changes and underperforming areas of the business.
- Key financial drivers (KPIs) are implemented to monitor key aspects of the business.
- To help with both the future planning and the smooth day to day running of the business.
Supply Chain Management including Procurement and Inventory Control
- Work with suppliers to make it easy for you to do business with them and for them to do business with you
- Supplier negotiations – contracts are a two-way street
- Develop procurement strategy
- Obtain regular quotes from at least three suppliers to ensure they stay honest
- Know product lead times
- Know your supplier’s capacity to supply
- Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP)
Sales & Marketing
- Establish an “agile” marketing program / plan to align with identified channels to market
- Develop a target list and strategy for attracting new and retaining existing high value customers
- Ensure the market knows your full product / service offering
- Identify every market that you currently operate in and any new sectors that you could operate in
- Market analysis including market opportunity & structure, potential for new services, target market size and outlook
- Competitor Analysis – this is key to keeping your “competitive edge”and helping to develop your “competitive advantage”
- Customer surveys help to better understand customer mindsets and behaviours
- Customer analysis and customer profiles so that you know who are your most profitable and fastest paying customers
Find out if your business is working for you.