Curriculum Vitae

Business Advisor
January 2018 – Current
Working closely with a variety of SME business owners in their businesses to identify both business improvement and growth opportunities to improve their business sustainability and profitability. Implementing business strategies and change management programs to ensure the future success of their businesses.
This includes conducting business reviews to identify both potential and actual issues, recommendations, and either overseeing / helping with, or completing the implementation of the recommendations.
Achievements have included:
- After identifying from customer surveys that price was not an issue, completing a full costing- by -truck for a haulage company to work out new charge out rates which covered both individual truck and other support costs to deliver a more profitable gross margin.
- Restructured management / financial accounts by business segment to identify gross margins by segment and rework costs. This identifies individual segment issues.
- Setup cashflow forecasting models which could be used by an import / export manufacturer to secure funding lines from their bank. This included both a flow chart and timeline so that the bank could fully understand the timings from deposits paid to overseas manufacturers through to payment receipts from both New Zealand and overseas customers.
- Identified the issue in a construction company’s project system that had caused them significant inventory and billing issues delay in completing their monthly management accounts. The issue-fix was very minor – less than two hours of developer time and vastly improved the company’s cashflow.

Business Consultant
April 2016 – May 2017
Engaged by the Directors initially to carry out a business process improvement program in order to improve the Company’s business processes and reporting capability.
Engagement updated to assess an unsolicited offer for the purchase of the business and then help with management of the potential sale process. This included negotiations with the potential purchaser and joint management of the virtual dataroom.
- Produced a five-year forecast for the Company by business segment.
- Engaged and managed professional business valuation companies in order to gain an independent valuation of the business based on historical and forecast results.
- Negotiated improved terms of sale and purchase price.

Management Consultant
Management Consultant
August 2016 – October 2016
- Implemented new business processes into both Operations and Finance to significantly reduce the month end reporting cycle.
- Wrote business plan and business processes for the restructure of the Finance and Administration Departments to facilitate a significantly reduced month end reporting cycle and to free up the Finance Department to allow them to become involved in value added projects plus provide value added management reports to both the Directors and Business Managers of the business in order to help them make more informed decisions.

Divisional Commercial Manager
VIP Infrastructure
March 2014 – September 2015
Responsible for providing commercial, strategic, financial, systems and project support to the Divisional General Manager, the Business Unit Managers including their Management Teams plus the Corporate Office as required. Responsibilities include:
Ensuring that the profitability of the NZ Industrial Division is optimised and that strategic opportunities are developed and actioned. Managing both the Division’s monthly and weekly financial and management reporting / forecasting requirements including discussing the results and forecasts with the Corporate Management Team on a weekly basis. Managing the Division’s annual budget and budget consolidation process plus presenting the completed Divisions budget to the Corporate Management Team. Managing the Division’s Business Improvement Programme which includes:
- A forum for all of the Division’s Business Unit Managers and Commercial Mangers to meet on a regular basis to discuss both initiatives and issues and ways to improve the business.
- Reviewing the business and working with the Business Units to identify cost saving and revenue enhancing initiatives.
- Reviewing the business and working with the Business Units to remove complexity in order to simplify processes and make it both easier for us to do business with our customers / suppliers and for them to do business with us.
- Implemented the Business Improvement process into the NZ Industrial Division including the setting up of the discussion forum, reporting templates and writing of presentations for the NZ Industrial Division Management Team. The Business Improvement Programme is forecast to produce $300k+ of savings in its first year from 35 initiatives across the business.

Project Finance Manager
Downer Infrastructure Australia
March 2013 – January 2014
The National Broadband Network Project is part of an eight year $42b Australian Government initiative to replace the current telecommunications copper network with fibre optic cable in order to greatly enhance Australian telecommunications, including internet, capacity and speed. To date Downer has won work in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Western Australia.
Responsibilities include: the production of monthly project reports including margin emergence, contract valuations, margin emergence profit calculations vs. practical completion calculations, writing and maintaining project forecast models for the Design and Construction Project Team; providing tender calculations / forecasts, providing commercial, strategic, financial, systems and project support; working with the Commercial Team to ensure practical completions are finalised and client billings are completed in a timely fashion; providing required reports and analysis for Executive and Project Management Office (PMO) reviews; recruitment of the Divisional Financial Controller and the Design & Construction Management Accountant.
- Wrote and maintained the Design and Construction forecast models to forecast both project results and cash flow based on work awarded plus the overhead structure and associated cost required to manage the project in each of the Regions.
- Developed a process for the estimating and reporting of the percentage of work complete by activity in order to determine the monthly earned value and work in progress (WIP) of the project.
- Educated the project team on the importance of cash flow management especially in regards to: the purchase of inventory which had a fixed price over the length of the project and guaranteed maximum lead times; managing work in progress vs. billings and cash collection.

Plant Consultant
Downer Rail Infrastructure Australia
August 2012 – January 2013
Conducted a review of Rail Infrastructures Plant Department in order to improve returns on capital investment. This included an investigation of the Plant Department, writing a formal report of the findings / issues resulting from that investigation, plus recommendations and an action item plan to improve the Rail Plant Business. This report was presented to both members of the Downer Australia and Rail Infrastructure Executive. The recommendations and associated action item plan, when implemented, should enable Rail Infrastructure to increase its EBIT value by $5m+ per annum.
The report covered improved management reporting, plant utilisation, improved plant reporting, whole of life costing, capacity planning, future plant requirements, plant costing and billing, procurement, workforce planning / employee utilisation and the need for a low-cost plant management system.
- Set up weekly review process to monitor delivery against the action plan.
- Identified that plant hire charges did not include cost of capital, all operator on-costs or cover operator differential pay rates for overtime, night shifts and specialised working environments, so wrote new costing models to recover all plant and operator costs.
- Identified that Rail Infrastructure were not adhering to the Downer or any other recommended procurement policy / process of obtaining a minimum of three quotes before ordering required goods / services. The implementation of a panel quotation process lead to an immediate 20 – 30% drop in cost of machine movements which was the equivalent of a $20 to $50k savings per machine movement depending on the size of machine and distance to be moved.
- Initiated the investigation for a low-cost plant management system, to among other things, improve workforce planning, staff rostering, stores / spares management, utilisation monitoring, job costing, maintenance planning and linear asset management. Then obtained approval to proceed with the purchase and implementation of the selected plant management system.
- Restructured the Plant Department to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Commercial/Special Projects
Downer New Zealand
April 2007 – March 2012
Responsible for providing commercial, strategic, financial, systems and project support to the Downer CFO, CEO, the Downer Supply Review Team, as well as Consultants and other Executives as required. Responsibilities include:
Managing the Downer New Zealand Fit4Business Programme, which is part of a five year Downer Group initiative. Downer New Zealand has been targeted to make $10 to $20m of sustainable savings for each of the five years from profit improvement and value added initiatives. The management of this programme includes:
- Reviewing the business and working with the operating units to identify cost saving and revenue enhancing initiatives.
- Writing or helping the operating units with Fit4Business business cases.
- Managing the initiatives to improve productivity, make Downer supplier of choice and ultimately increase the Company’s profit.
- Participation in the larger Downer Group (Australia) Fit4Business Team to help develop National initiatives and provide support and guidance to the other Downer Divisions located mainly within Australia.
Managing the Downer New Zealand Region (which includes the United Kingdom) budget, strategic planning and five year forecast process. This process includes:
- Researching and writing strategy plans for the CEO and CFO
- Managing Sector / Area / Head Office submissions against timetable
- Managing the Sector / Area / Head Office review process
- Consolidating agreed budgets and five year plans
- Drafting the New Zealand Region consolidated strategic business plans
- Liaison with the Australian Corporate Office regarding all aspects of the budget process and delivery.
Completing the Downer New Zealand Region Consolidated Dash Board Report (management accounts).
Implementation and project management of Supply Review Project proposals. This has included:
- Improved asset management, from the set-up of a framework and implementation of asset quarterly reviews in order to improve the utilisation and charging of assets; the removal or replacement of nonperforming assets; post CAPEX reviews; project-management of the restructure of decentralised plant management to regional plant management.
- Attending supplier meetings to discuss ways for them to reduce their charges to Downer. Evaluating and analysing supplier proposals and making recommendations based on proposal evaluation and analysis.
- Implemented the Fit4Business process in New Zealand including the setting up of templates and writing of presentations for both the New Zealand Executive and Operations. The New Zealand FY12 Fit4Business programme is expected to add $17m+ of savings.
- Setup 5 year forecast models by Sector, Region, entity and consolidation to review potential growth strategies, Capex requirements and debt structures. These models also form the basis for the financials in the five year strategy plan.
- Initiated and wrote business plan and Capex for the implementation of a GPS Fleet Productivity Project over the Downer Truck, Mobile Plant, Heavy Trailer and Light Commercial fleet. This included Executive presentations, product trials and pricing negotiations with various suppliers. The project was approved for the implementation of up to 4,300 GPS units and when completed should provide EBIT savings of between $5m and $10m per annum.
- Implemented and project managed the plant restructure from decentralised plant management to regionalised plant management. This also included the implementation of a plant booking system. CAPEX EBIT savings were conservatively estimated at $3.8m per annum and $7.5m was achieved in the first year excluding a one off profit of $2.4m from the sales of underutilised plant and trucks.
- Identified up to $8.0m of savings / increased net revenues from the asset quarterly review process. This was made up of a combination of cost-savings, improved utilisation, increased pricing from assets not recovering their costs or return on investment, asset disposals and the identification and reduction of CAPEX leakage.
- Reduced the cost of leased cars and light commercials by $1.0m with the potential of an additional $1.0m of savings. The actual savings were from a combination supplier negotiation, cost-saving measures from vehicle selection and cultural changes within the Downer Works division. The additional savings were from the combining of the Downer Works and Downer Engineering fleets to give improved economies of scale and improved FBT management.

Performance Manager
Carter Holt Harvey – Forests
June 2004 – April 2007
Managing a staff of three. Responsible for providing commercial, strategic, financial, systems and project support to the Executive Team, Business Unit Managers and support staff. Responsibilities include the investigation and analysis of the financial viability of plans, projects and investments. Project management / support of short- to long-term operational and company wide projects. Review of the current systems for potential and actual improvement. Supplier negotiation. The production and review of the operations and sales management reporting packs; including key performance indicators and commentaries to be included in the board reporting pack. The production, review, analysis and presentation of the operations budget and budget presentation packs. The production and review of Operational MRPII (Material Resource Planning) pack for the Supply Review Teams. Managing the team responsible for providing the financial due diligence information for the sale of Forests. The provision of modelling assistance as required. Staff recruitment and training.
- Implemented production and distribution variance analysis reports which allowed Forests to break out system mix, distance, customer mix, price and volume variances. This has given both the operations staff and executive a better understanding of the business and given them the information to make money-saving decisions in harvesting and distribution.
- Implemented new accounting and reporting processes for the Engineering and Estate Departments.
- Implemented a new consolidated management accounts pack for operations.
- Implemented budget packs, which include full variance analysis to the current year, for the Harvesting, Distribution, Engineering and Forestry.
- Implemented operational supply review reporting packs and balanced scorecards for both regional and national use. These have been produced at both branch and functional levels.
- Provided the operational data and matrix for the sale of one third of the Forests in October 2005.
- Provided the financial profitability models by forest, analysis and matrix for the sale of the balance of Carter Holt Harvey Forests in November 2006.

Contract Business Analyst
Carter Holt Harvey – Forests
March 2004 – May 2004
Responsibilities included providing analysis and feasibility studies for the potential diversification and sale of forestry land. Researching alternative land uses that may apply to Carter Holt Harvey owned and leased forests. Writing models for the possible conversion of forestry land into sustainable dairying units and lifestyle developments. Analysing property developer proposals and making recommendations to the land sales team. Designing and writing long term planning models to allow the management team to more accurately access the profitably of forestry verses other land uses. Assessing and updating existing planning and cash flow models. Provision of modelling assistance as required.

Contract Cost & Management Accountant
CDecember 2003 – March 2004
Responsible for the provision of financial information for the Puhoi manufacturing site. Designing and setting up forecast models to enable the management team to more accurately plan and manage the business. Review of supplier pricing models and practices. Revising and implementing processes and procedures for the receipt of inwards goods; the issue of goods into the manufacturing process; the recording of work in progress and finished goods; and the dispatch of goods into storage to allow better use of the JD Edwards systems. This will allow for accurate product costing, reduced wastage and improved inventory management. It will also allow for more accurate monitoring and management of outside contractors. Provision of modelling assistance as required.
- The review of supplier pricing models and practices lead to a reduction in freight costs and improved profitability from toll processors.