Why are Business Processes Critical to the of Ongoing Success of a Business? A business process is a set of activities and tasks that, that once completed, will accomplish a business goal. This can include but is not limited to: Human resource management including...
Supply Chain Solutions for All Businesses Supply Chain Solutions are available to all businesses regardless of their size. What’s more approximately 50% of a business’s savings from a professional business review will generally come out of the business’s supply chain...
Change is Constant – Is Your Business Planning Keeping Pace? We are at the end of the first quarter of 2023 and a lot of North Island businesses have been impacted by severe weather-related issues including flooding and road closures. What does this mean for...
Four Day Week – Pilots Last week, as part of my CA continuing education, the Focus on Management Special Interest Group had a presentation from Charlotte Lockhart, Founder and Managing Director of 4 Day Week Global. 4 Day Week Global is a not-for-profit...
Supply Chain Solutions for SMEs Supply Chain Solutions are not just for large manufacturing businesses. They can and do apply to all businesses from the very small sole trader up to the very large multinational. While most people associate Supply Chain Solutions with...