Customer Retention and Growth
Are you having issues retaining your customers and growing your customer base? If the answer is Yes, then Into the Blue NZ Limited have the solutions to help you.
How do we do this?
By completing a customer/sales analysis to see what is happening with your existing customer base and reviewing your current marketing plan to see if it is tailored to your:
- Current customers – customer retention.
- Prospective customers in your target markets – customer growth.
- Your product offering – customer growth.
Remember it is far cheaper to retain and nurture/upsell existing customers than to find new customers.
A customer/sales analysis will not only identify movements in existing customer sales but also highlight markets that are ripe for potential growth.
If you are not sure how to complete a customer/sales analysis, then feel free to give us a call at Into the Blue NZ Limited as we are experts at analysing all things business related, including customer/sales analysis.
Our exclusive Rapid Profit Radar Diagnostic tool enables us to quickly and accurately identify customer sales movement patterns – both good and bad – so that we can offer well-founded advice on how to turn the negatives into positives.
And we’re not afraid to put our money where our mouth is because, if you engage us, Into the Blue offers most mature businesses a Zero-Risk policy… No Improvement – No Fees.
For more information please either reply to this post or email
For more information on creating or improving a business model please call John on (021) 625-871, and further more information please visit Into the Blue.