Gross Profit Improvement 101 – Product Mix
Has your Gross Margin declined but your sales / revenue remained constant? If the answer is Yes, then Into the Blue NZ Limited have the answers to help you get back on track. What’s more if you engage us to identify your Gross Profit Improvement Initiatives, our services will come at Zero-Risk to you – No Gross Profit Improvements, No Fees.
Gross Profit Improvement 101 Series Post 4 – Product Mix
It is our experience from using our Rapid Profit Radar Diagnostic, that approximately 50% of businesses are unaware of movements in their product mix.
The main issue here is that businesses are unaware of changes to their sales / revenue line and so don’t take the required actions to manage these changes. This can result in a combination of:
- Reduced Gross Margin if a high margin product drops in popularity.
- Not taking corrective action to improve the product mix.
- Reduced cashflow from not reducing material order and inventory levels for the declining items.
- Running out of stock of increasing product lines.
- Falling behind competitor innovations.
If you want to stay on top, then you need to know what is happening in the marketplace and how it is affecting your sales / revenue lines.
We have added – and continue to add – significant additional Gross Profit to businesses of all sizes and in every type of industry, by identifying the reasons for, and then applying the remedies to correct the issue. Product mix changes can occur from:
- Actions you have taken to increase another specific sales / revenue line.
- Improved competitor marketing.
- Competitor innovation.
- A better alternative solution has become available on the market.
You need to be aware of the impacts of both your own and competitor initiatives on the market.
We always run a Zero-Risk policy with our customers… No Profit Improvement – No Fees.
For more information please either reply to this post or email
For more information on creating or improving a business model please call John on (021) 625-871, and further more information please visit Into the Blue.