Good Business Processes Will Help to Improve Efficiency and Profits

Are you finding that you are spending far too much time on administration, having to repeat parts of some jobs or even having to completely redo work?  If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then the chances are very high that you have either bad or outdated business processes. Even worse, you may have NO business processes at all.

Should this be a concern?  Most Definitely, if you want to run an efficient and profitable business.

Is there help available to remedy these issues?  Yes, there is! We at Into the Blue NZ Limited are experts in both Business Process Improvement and writing Business Processes for those businesses that don’t have any.

It is our experience from using our Rapid Profit Radar Diagnostic – a tool unique to Into the Blue NZ Limited – that business processes are a badly neglected aspect of business operations. Many businesses either don’t have any in place at all, or what they do have is out of date.  Fortunately, we are experts in both writing business processes and improving your existing ones to follow the critical path, thus improving efficiency and reducing complexity, duplication and rework, all of which help to increase profitability and free up valuable lost hours.

Why are Good Business Processes so important?

  1. They remove duplication – increased efficiency.
  2. They remove complication – increased efficiency.
  3. They reduce rework (waste) – increased efficiency and profits.
  4. They make it easier for your customers to do business with you – increased profits.
  5. They make it easier for you to do business with your suppliers – increased profits.

Good business processes are absolutely essential to having a good, efficient streamlined and profitable business.

And we’re not afraid to put our money where our mouth is because, if you engage us, Into the Blue offers most mature businesses a Zero-Risk policy… No Improvement – No Fees.

For more information please either reply to this post or email


For more information on creating or improving a business model please call John on (021) 625-871, and further more information please visit Into the Blue.